On this occasion I will not discuss specifically how the router or static Dynamics. but we will discuss the basic concepts of baimana router is solid work and deliver the data.
Before discussing further, it is better if we discuss what exactly the router.
ROUTER is a tool in the computer world that is useful to bend the data from a network system to another system. The logic of a network system can not switch to another system. Sis A. Exp Using the IP and Sis B. Then use the IP using Sis Company A can not communicate with Sis B without a Router.
Clearly more like this:
The router can determine how many routes from the router through which to deliver the data packets?
If we do not have a network router, then obviously we do not do routing. Routers perform routing of data traffic to all networks in the internetwork. So that we can perform packet routing, a router must know at least the following:
A. The destination address.
2. Neighboring routers (routers neighbor) from which a router can learn about the network.
3. Routes may be impassable.
4. The best route to send data packets.
Formation Routing Table (router Knowing Neighbors)
In ushering in a single data packet router with another router not know each other unless one router with another router connected directly. Note the picture below:
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